T20 Trusted Network
Our 'Library of Experts & Pioneers' is a database which identifies who from the new & clean energy, transportation, fuel, power, heat & infrastructure industry sectors are the recognised leading experts and pioneers in their field. Agri-tech (including low tech), waste-to-energy, recycling innovators and natural resources extractors will also be covered. New-model business pioneers, governmental and non-governmental Best Performers and Sustainability Stewards, will join our existing environmental, conservation and climate conscious CEO & founders, philanthropists and entrepreneurs to share their vision of how best to restore balance to our fragile economic, energy and environmental ecosystem.
By invitation to become part of T20's Trusted Network™ of Energy Transition & Sustainable Development Experts & Pioneers, relationships will be built through a series of off-the record conversations or recorded podcast interviews throughout 2023. These will feature on Transition2Zero.net as empirical evidence in either our T20 Recommendation Reports, T20 Roadmaps for Stability or the Safer Planet Series to be shared with the rest of the network and in some cases a wider public audience.
Eligibility is automatic for the following; private and public sector regulators, entrepreneurs, academics, engineers, technicians and innovators, project financiers, lawyers, accountants and financial modellers, mathematicians, scientists, biologists, agriculturalists, sociologists, statisticians and philanthropists.
The only pre-requisite is that all who would like to join T20's Trusted Network™ are consciously dedicated to furthering best-in-class and sovereign based high climate, clean energy, environmental, sustainable and ethical standards of practice.